Legal information

Information purposes only

This website, its content and any information provided by Woorton to any subscriber or by Woorton via social media is solely for discussion and information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or firm commitment of any kind to provide any investment opportunity, product or return.

Investments involve risk

Investments involve risk, and this website, its content and any information provided by Woorton to any subscriber or by Woorton via social media does not purport to identify all (if any) of the risk factors associated with any exposure to the referenced transaction, products and instruments, and the assets or currencies referenced therein. There is no guarantee of any returns or yields. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and any investment may result in loss which may be significant.

No representation or liability

No representation, warranty, assurance or undertaking (express or implied) is given (and can therefore not be relied upon as such), and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by Woorton or any of its affiliates or any of its or their respective officers, employees or agents as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the information, statements and opinions expressed in this website, its content and any information provided by Woorton to any subscriber or by Woorton via social media.

No reliance

Any opinions expressed in this website, its content and any information provided by Woorton to any subscriber or by Woorton via social media, do not constitute legal, tax or investment advice and can therefore not be relied upon as such. Please consult your own legal and tax advisers concerning such matters.

Professional investors only

Cryptoassets may experience frequent price volatility resulting in a high degree of risk. Woorton only transacts with investors who are either professional or sophisticated investors and on the basis that any such investor has made its own assessment of its financial ability and willingness to accept the risks inherent in the transactions, products and instruments, and the assets or currencies referenced therein.

Geographical regulatory restrictions

Woorton strictly adheres to international laws and regulations and does not engage in any business transactions, agreements, or dealings with companies or individuals from countries that are subject to economic sanctions imposed by relevant international authorities.

For a list of currently sanctioned countries, please refer to the official guidelines provided by international regulatory bodies.

Reference Documents

Woorton group information

Woorton SAS is a company organized and existing under the laws of France, with its principal place of business located at 18 rue Sainte Foy, 75002 Paris, France, registered at the Paris Commercial Court in France under the SIREN number 838 089 167; and registered as a Crypto Asset Service Provider with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under the registration number E2022-044, authorized to conduct both trading and custody services for crypto assets.

Products are available for investors who are either professional or sophisticated investors, and any such investor will be investing on the basis of its own assessment of its financial ability and willingness to accept the risks inherent in the product or instruments, assets or currencies referenced therein.

We are committed to providing the highest quality service to our clients. If you have any complaints, questions, or requests, please contact us at the dedicated email address: or please use the “Get in Touch” feature on our website.

All correspondence will be treated with the utmost attention, and we will strive to provide you with a prompt response.

Please note that any confidential or sensitive information should only be transmitted through secure channels, and Woorton will never request your confidential information via email

Crypto asset services are regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. You can contact “AMF Epargne Info Service” from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on +33(0) 1 53 45 62 00 to be assisted by their Mediator.

We trade with consistent liquidity 24/7